Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Herber the Weber: demo for PC

Hello all!
After a short holidays, I'm back with a demo version of Herber the Weber for PC! 
It's a fast port just for those who don't have Windows Phone. It doesn't have ranking because I'm a lazy mo**erf***er, but I promise it will have a global ranking in the next release!

Here is the download link
You must install it in order to play. Sorry for that! ;/
Here I want to list some of the new features I have in mind for the next releases:

  • More scenarios.
  • Global ranking.
  • Replays of the best runs.
  • Achievements.
  • Maybe an upper floor for all the way...

I hope you like it!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Herber the Weber appears in the seach engine!

Finally, after 3 or 4 days, Herber the Weber appears in the market's search engine! So you can find it easilly now!
It still hasn't appeared in the "new games" section :/

Search it as "Jerber the Weber" with J! Little spelling mistake! Sorry for that! We'll change it as soon as possible!
Now go and play!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Herber the Weber: "Available"

Hello all!
Well, apparently, Herber the Weber is available since Friday 8th, but you cannot find it in the new games list in the market, neither in the finder. An absolute disaster!

So, until it appears in the market, you can find it here!
It's all I can offer to you!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

New page on Facebook!

We've just created a page on Facebook, so you can check the news there too!
Here is the link
Please like it!


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Herber the Weber: Gameplay video

Hello all!


Herber the Weber approved!

Congratulations! Herber the Weber has successfully passed certification for Windows Phone Marketplace.
This application will be published to the marketplace within the next 24 hours.
Finally, Herber the Weber has passed Microsoft's certification, so in the next 24 hours you'll be able to download and try it!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Herber the Weber: spriteSheet

Hello all!
I want to share with you the tilesheet of Herber

These are all the frames I use to animate Herber. The sparks in the end are not implemented in this version because I thought they weren't good enough.

Maybe in the next update!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Old game: Pokemon


In the next days I'm going to post some of my old stuff, my first games.
Most of them are developed with BennuGD, the language which I learned to make videogames. So good old times :')

The first one is my version of Pokemon, a mix between Tibia and WoW. It was a 2 month project with a bad ending, because my computer got infected by a virus and I lost the major part of the code. Sad :(

In the video you can see all the features I developed. There where quest, pokemon catching, leveling, evolutions... a very interesting project which I could start again in the future... who knows!

My new game: Herber the Weber


Herber the Weber is my new game, developed firstly for Windows Phone. Maybe in the future, if it has acceptance, I'll port it to Windows or Xbox. I've used the old gameboy palette, so it looks a little bit retro. Everything except the text is pixel art.

Here comes the description:
Herber the Weber is a frenzied platform game. Try to stay alive the max time possible across an infinite level!
Avoid obstacles and break bricks in order to keep running, and get all the coins in your way to increase your score.
And be careful! Herber will run quicker and quicker, so be alert!


Hello all!

I'm Lou, the responsible of Lou Copavo Studios.

Usually I'm just one guy developing all the stuff: design, programming and graphics. I take the music from other sources. (Compose music take too much time!)

I'll use this blog until I get my very own website, so stay tunned here!

You can follow the studio via twitter as well!